• Biography


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    "Elegant and atmospheric playing, superb technique along with the noble rich sweet timbre". (Dutch Art Times)


    "Her sound is as warm as the sun". ( Hannover Music Weekly )


    Recognized for her virtuosic technique and superb artistry, violinist Xika Huang’s performances have graced prestigious venues worldwide on four continents, including Carnegie Hall in NYC, Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, Place Flagey Hall in Belgium, KKL Concert Hall in Lucerne Switzerland, among many others. Ms.Huang has performed with the New York Philharmonic under the leadership of Maestro Lorin Maazel at the Shanghai Grand Theatre. As an active soloist, Ms.Huang has appeared with leading orchestras including with the China National Symphony Orchestra, Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra, Fujian Philharmonic Orchestra, Aspen Music Festival Orchestra, OCSA Orchestra, Azusa Pacific Symphony Orchestra, USC Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Dream Orchestra, The Colburn Conservatory Orchestra, Zhengzhou Symphony Orchestra, among others. She has performed alongside preeminent conductors such as Lorin Maazel, Gustavo Dudamel, James Conlon, David Zinman, Robert Spano, Marin Alsop, Xincao li and Renchang Fu.


    Ms. Huang is the Grand Prize winner of the New York Concert Artist International Competition , Gold Prize winner of the Manhattan International Music Competition, She has also won top prizes at the Mozart International Music Competition, Loeb/Louviere International Music Competition and the China National Violin Competition. She has been selected as the candidate for the Menuhin International violin competition in Beijing, 2012, and the Queen Elisabeth International Violin Competition in Brussels, Belgium in 2015.


    Ms.Huang is represented by KNS Classical Management. As an artist of the Spanish Recording Label KNS Classical, Xika Huang released her CD “Romantic Virtuoso ” on the major streaming platforms worldwide digitally as well as physically in 2024.


    As an artist and a full scholarship scholar, Ms. Huang has participated in a number of Festivals. Including the Aspen Music Festival, Holland International Music Sessions, Aspen Music Festival, Lucerne Festival, and the Goslar Music Festival.


    Born in Gulangyu, China, Ms. Huang began violin lessons with her father at age five. Subsequently, she received professional education at the University of Southern California, the Colburn Conservatory of Music, and Shanghai Conservatory on full scholarships. Her prominent artist teachers include Glenn Dicterow, Robert Lipsett, Arnold Steinhardt, and Xiaolei Ding. She also performed at master classes for Midori Goto, Hatto Beyerle, Gary Graffman, Elizabeth Pitcairn, Gil Shaham, György Pauk , the Tokyo String Quartet, and the Ébène String Quartet.


    Currently, Ms. Huang is on the violin faculty at Azusa Pacific University and she holds the Distinguished Master Studio at the Xiamen Music School. As an artist and educator, she has given masterclasses at major schools and music festivals around the world. Ms. Huang’s goal is to share the beautiful musical fabric that she creates with audiences throughout the world.

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    黄女士曾与世界著名音乐大师Lorin Maazel 指挥的纽约爱乐乐团合作演出并作为独奏家与中国国家交响乐团,厦门爱乐乐团,Colburn 交响乐团,USC 交响乐团, Los Angeles Dream 交响乐团,Azusa Pacific Symphony 交响乐团,美国ASPEN交响乐团、美国OCSA交响乐团、郑州交响乐团等合作获得巨大成功。黄女士已与古斯塔沃·杜达梅尔、詹姆斯·康伦、大卫·津曼、罗伯特·斯帕诺、马林·阿尔索普、李心草、傅人长等著名指挥家合作演出。




    黄茜卡以独奏家的身份受邀于中国及欧美国家50多个城市的著名音乐厅进行巡回演出,并在国际知名音乐节如瑞士琉森音乐节、美国阿斯本音乐节、荷兰International Music Sessions 音乐节、德国Gosla等音乐节举办个人独奏音乐会。她亦曾受邀到世界许多知名电视台采访及现场演奏。作为欧洲著名唱片公司KNS Classical的签约艺术家,黄女士于2024年在全球主要流媒体平台上发行了她的数位以及实体CD专辑《Romantic Virtuoso》。


    黄茜卡现任美国Azusa Pacific 大学小提琴教授。由于她卓越的教学成就,Quebec国际音乐大赛、贝多芬国际音乐大赛,伦敦国际古典音乐大赛、Pelican 国际大赛等十余项国际大赛授予黄茜卡最佳指导教授奖。


    黄茜卡出生于鼓浪屿音乐世家,幼年跟随父亲黄伟廉学习小提琴,就读厦门市音乐学校期间师从于吴佩茹、林应龙老师并长期得到著名小提琴教育家郑石生教授的指导,10岁以第一名的成绩考入上海音乐学院附小,师从于丁小雷教授。后以全额奖学金考取美国Colburn音乐学院与美国南加州大学获演奏家博士学位,师从于杰出的小提琴教育家Robert Lipsett和前纽约爱乐乐团首席Glenn Dicterow。


    白宫教育奖传承者伟大小提琴教育家罗伯特李普赛特(Robert Lipsett)评价茜卡:“无论是在情感上还是在技术上,都是一个非常自然、专注、热情的音乐家,茜卡是一位真正的艺术家”。


    前纽约爱乐乐团首席格伦迪克特洛( Glenn Dicterow)评价:“茜卡是一位拥有罕见连顿弓演奏技术的奇才和拥有丰富技法创造性作曲天赋的小提琴演奏家”。


    格莱美奖、留声机大奖获得者国际著名小提琴大师吉尔沙汉姆(Gil Shaham)评价茜卡:“她天生自然的音乐气质,经常给观众和聆听者带来不一样的灵感”。

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    Colburn Conservatory of Music


    Violin Performance

    小提琴演奏 学士、硕士学位

    Bachelor of Music; Performance Diploma

    Master of Music

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    University of Southern California

    Thornton School of Music


    String Department


    Doctor of Music Art


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    Music Middle School Affiliated to Shanghai Conservatory of Music
